
To be, or not to be, that is the question:

He sits there speechless, observing her. Order and chaos, emerging and dissolving in a never ending dance of light. He wonders, did December come early this year, perhaps July never ended? Hey! Hey Man! Snap out of it. Are you going to finally start or not? Life asks. He smiles, why not? It is going […]

He sits there speechless, observing her. Order and chaos, emerging and dissolving in a never ending dance of light. He wonders, did December come early this year, perhaps July never ended?

Hey! Hey Man! Snap out of it. Are you going to finally start or not? Life asks.

He smiles, why not?

It is going to be a long december, he thinks, the only difference being that there are going to be a lot of Pearls 😉


To be, or not to be, that is the question: ~ Wikipedia