
The Obligatory Obituary

For those who have visited this place over the years and continue to do so. Sorry, I don’t have anything left to say anymore, not here anyway. I would like to thank you and wish you well. ~ Let me bequeath by Yitzhak Maplebury ~ Box me on a warm bright day — youthful, though […]

For those who have visited this place over the years and continue to do so. Sorry, I don’t have anything left to say anymore, not here anyway. I would like to thank you and wish you well.


Let me bequeath
by Yitzhak Maplebury


Box me on a warm bright day — youthful, though not, not ever again, useful — hands crossed neatly over shirt and tie. Let young things on grass plan parties, raves, getaways with only ethical narcotics and strong beer.

Indulge them in coquetry and intrigue, tasty gossip, bawdy, thunder-bumping-sex-beat rhythms and Romantically doomed dreams.

Let them be ignorant of death, and miffed by the gross solemnities of entropy, eternity and quantum creep.

Grant me peace in this, my first and only suit. Close the plain pine lid and lower me down.

Let them be curious, perhaps fearful –

Gather them over me to wonder: what is rite and why?

Let it – all of it – be alien to them, distant as violence, truth, sorrow. Let nothing be heavy and the sky so clear.

Blast them with aromas of Spring and skin; befuddle them with magic, laughter, pheromones and song.

Celebration of lips and hair; lusty minds a-flirt with promises –

I’m done with all that. I wish them well.


This essay/poem first appeared at Dissident Voice. It is posted here without permission of the author, but with absolutely no intention of plagiarism. I am in the camp that thinks, Yizhak Maplebury, is a poet of no small importance 🙂