Click on the video and find out more about the people who have produced this video. Also, I would recommend you to watch similar videos on their YouTube Channel… mrblue37
The video shows that the Fast Food that we eat is quite correctly termed as Junk Food but a better name would be on the lines of Terminator Food. By that I mean you should consume it only if you have a dying need to die slowly or if you have a killing desire to kill someone slowly. I wonder though how many of us would be able to do so and whether such a choice will be made in time or not. I also wonder how much damage has already been done.
I found it here…
The Bionic Burger @ Permaculture Research Institute Of Australia – Blog
The Permaculture Research Institute Of Australia runs an excellent blog on the challenges that human beings face in the world today. From the developing food crisis, the energy crisis and other crisis that humans face today… More importantly they also talk about The Solutions to these challenges in the form of Permaculture Lifestyle Practices. A Holistic Lifestyle Approach that we need to embrace NOW and in my humble opinion the only choice that we should make IF we want to survive and IF we want the future generations of human beings to have something left for them to survive.